See the Passage, Tell Your Story

“After nourishment, shelter, and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.” 

–Philip Pullman


Join Christine Fadden and Eileen Robertson Hamra at the women-only Creative Passages Authors Retreat at Casa el Rincon del Sol, in Los Cabos, Mexico. This intimate retreat is designed to inspire and create space for those wanting to share and deepen their story.

We offer writing prompts, tools, and feedback in combination with daily morning yoga, healthy homemade meals, and plenty of rest and reset time—all in the sanctuary of a private beachfront resort-home.

Whatever you bring to the writing table or yoga mat, we provide a supportive, nurturing, heart-centered environment that allows for the story that is in you to flow to the page.

Retreat Features

  • Writing Support

    Participants receive writing prompts, tools, and feedback to enhance their writing skills and deepen their stories.

  • Women-only Retreat

    The retreat is exclusively for women, providing a supportive and empowering environment for female authors.

  • Daily morning yoga:

    Daily morning yoga sessions are offered to promote relaxation, mindfulness, and overall well-being.

  • Healthy Homemade Meals

    Nutritious homemade meals are provided, ensuring participants are nourished and energized throughout their stay.

  • Heart-Centered Environment

    The retreat cultivates a nurturing and heart-centered environment, encouraging personal growth and the free flow of storytelling.

  • Inspiring Setting

    The retreat takes place at Casa el Rincon del Sol, a private beachfront resort-home in Los Cabos, Mexico, offering a serene and inspiring atmosphere.


The retreat offers a schedule that combines self-discovery, rejuvenation, and writing tools. A typical day includes morning yoga, writing workshops, mindfulness gatherings, free time for exploration or relaxation, and reflective activities in the evening. This balance provides participants with the opportunity to learn writing tools while finding inspiration and recharging.

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Casa el Rincon del Sol
Los Tesos, Mexico

November 12-18, 2023